Wycombe Friends of the Earth

working for our local environment …

Friends of

the Earth

Welcome to Wycombe Friends of the Earth

Notice Board

Meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, starting 7.30pm.
Most meetings are via Zoom, some are ‘in person’ and some are socials.

Next meeting is a Zoom meeting on 6th November
November agenda TBA
(October minutes are here)

If you want to take part in WFoE meetings but are not on the WFoE mailing list,
please contact us at wycombefoe@yahoo.co.uk


Monthly Eco Tip – Ecosia web browser

Try the new Ecosia Web Browser.
The greenest browser on Earth! Simply by browsing, shopping and searching, you can generate clean energy and plant trees in biodiversity hotspots around the world.
All that just by sitting on your backside.
To find out more or download go https://blog.ecosia.org/desktop-browser/  

We run many events throughout the year. Here is a selection…

September 2023

Marlow Carnival 16.09.23

WFoE ran a stall at the vibrant Marlow Carnival on 16th September.  A sunny day brought out many visitors to the ‘Green’ area.  Our stall raised awareness of climate change and the everyday things all of us can do to help.  We also advertised Wycombe Environment Centre’s  Refresh Store and Repair Cafe,

July 2023

This month we held our AGM.  It was good to meet in person rather than on Zoom.


June 2023

Wycombe Friends of the Earth held a stall at the Climate Day of Action and Ecofest in Amersham on 10th June.  We talked to many people about climate issues and it was a successful day.

We also ran a stall at the Festival of Wellbeing in High Wycombe on 17th June, raising awareness of climate issues and Wycombe Environment’s Scrap Store, called ‘Refresh‘ located in the Chilterns Shopping Centre, High Wycombe, on Saturdays and Wednesday afternoons (lots of unused, unwanted paper, textiles and items for crafts) and the Repair cafe, held in All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe on the second Saturday of each month, 10am-1pm (bring your broken household items and textiles for possible repair)

Pann Mill 2023

May Pann Mill 2023

We had plenty of chatting visitors at our stall at the Pann Mill Open Day in May and the children enjoyed making their eco-tipped butterflies.We will have other stalls this summer to keep looking on the website.

April 2023

Several of us travelled to London to take part in the climate rally in Parliament Square on 22nd April.

May 2022

Pann Mill Open day  May 8th @ 11:00 am 5:00 pm

The first Pann Mill Open Day for a while. WFoE had a successful stall, talking to gen public re climate change and handing out wildflower seeds.
Sold some plants too (this gives us some money to contribute to future campaigns)

Flour made at Pann Mill was on sale
Coincides with the Sunday of National mills weekend.

September 2021

Come and see our stall at the Pann Mill Open Day in High Wycombe on the Rye.
Among other things, we will be raising awareness of COP26, the climate change conference in Glasgow, October 31st -November 12th.

August 2021

The first High Wycombe repair cafe was held on 14th August, organised by Wycombe Environment. A repair cafe is staffed by volunteers who know about mending things. You can either volunteer as a ‘repairer’ or you could bring along something to repair, in exchange for a small donation. The next one will be on 11th September so if you have an item for repair, you will have another opportunity then to get it fixed, or to learn how to fix it, reducing your carbon footprint by not throwing it away and buying new.

Summer 2021

Solar Streets

Now could just be the time for you to put solar panels on your house! Solar Streets offers solar installations at about 25% less than others in the market, saving about 1 tonne of carbon a year, and contributing to community energy schemes.

It is a partnership between the installer Iddea (that has a depot in High Wycombe) and the Green Group. Thanks to Wycombe Environment, Solar Streets is now launched in High Wycombe. Find out more at:

Spring and Summer 2021

In May this year, Wycombe Environment (in collaboration with WFoE) distributed 3,500 tiny packets of seed across the town. Why? To increase the patches of wildflowers across town to help pollinating insects, as well as raising awareness.

Feb 2020

February saw the launch of  a competition to find young voices for climate justice, see here“Finding Greta”
The aim is to increase awareness of climate change in High Wycombe and to stimulate appropriate action.

On the 5th February WFoE hosted a successful workshop on Climate Emergency and Environmental Policy for Bucks County Council,  members of local environmental and political groups attended. Follow up meetings will take place over the coming weeks.

Jan 2020

This May, The public will be electing a new unitary authority in Buckinghamshire to replace the existing district and county councils.

This gives WFoE the opportunity to try to influence the environmental policies of the new council and of the parties standing for election before they are set in stone. To this end, Wycombe Friends of the Earth has decided to host a Climate Emergency and Environmental Policy Workshop to develop a set of policies to present to the local media and political parties in advance of the election, and would like to extend an invitation to all groups and individuals interested in the environment and the climate emergency.

Ideally, the ideas developed would not be presented as Wycombe FoE policy, but as coming from a coalition of local green groups (named or unnamed, as the meeting deems appropriate). We hope you would be interested in taking part.

October 2019

On Saturday the 26th of October, Wycombe Friends of the Earth were promoting awareness of climate change, in the Eden Centre High Wycombe. Despite the rainy weather, we had some good interaction with the passing public. The event was positively reported by the Bucks Free Press.

Pann Mill – Awareness of Climate Change.

September 2019

During September, members from Wycombe Friends of the Earth attended and supported the Climate Strike day activities, at the top of Marlow Hill, in Wycombe town centre and in Beaconsfield.

On Sunday 16th September, we had a successful stall at Pann Mill Open Day, where we were raising awareness of Climate Change.
(Our thanks to High Wycombe Society for organising the event.) 

June 2019

Wycombe Friends of the Earth  – Review of the year 2018-19

May 2019

Pann Mill Stall  http://www.pannmill.org.uk/

On Sunday Sunday 12th May  Wycombe Friends of the Earth ran a stall raising awareness of climate change at the Pann Mill Open day on the Rye in High Wycombe.
The event is run by the High Wycombe Society. There was a steady stream of visitors and many interesting conversations ensued about climate change and related topics.

December 2018

On the first of December, several members of our local group attended the “March for Climate Justice” in London.

Travelling by train and foot, 6 members of WFoE contributed to the masses protesting for climate justice.

November 2018

 A Plastic Ocean ( Film Screening Event )

On the 20th of November, Wycombe Friends of the Earth organised a public viewing of  A Plastic Ocean  (trailer link) , a hard-hitting and informative film about plastic pollution  and the damage it is doing to our oceans, wildlife and health.

The full-length film conveyed the desperate state of our oceans around the world, it seems that microplastics are now ingested by virtually all sea creatures. Many seabirds were all also found to be suffering horrible deaths from consuming larger pieces of plastic debris. Trying to rid the seas of this contamination is now considered almost impossible. We urgently need to step up our fight against the unnecessary use of plastics. particularly single-use plastics, in the hope of preserving some life in the oceans.  At the end of the evening, a lively debate took place, with many attendees contributing to the discussion on this most important topic.

October 2018

Thames Water
Thames Water currently has an initiative whereby you can order free devices to reduce your water usage and therefore, if you are on a meter, your water bills. Available, are shower and tap water saving devices, ‘save-a-flush’ and shower timer devices. Some addresses are being offered a visit to help reduce water usage as well as obtaining the above devices – they may be rolling this out around the district in batches. More here: https://watersavingdevices.thameswater.co.uk/Product

September 2018

Pann Mill Stall 

On Sunday 16th September, we had a successful stall at Pann Mill Open Day, (Our thanks to High Wycombe Society for organising the event.)

Plastic Free Picnic

Also on Sunday the 16th, we had our Plastic Free Picnic. This was a fun community event on the Rye which supported a reduced plastic future by making a picnic as plastic free as possible. a good time was had by both adults and children.

June 2018

As part of our general campaigning, we have recently submitted letters to the local press and were successful in getting them published. (June 14th 2018)

May 2018

Plastics – Looking for the positives

April 2018

Living without plastics


February 2018

Greenpeace Presentation

Wycombe Friends of the Earth hosted a public presentation by Julia Spragg of Oxford Greenpeace.

We thank Julia for her excellent and interesting talk on “Rainbow Warriors and Creative Confrontation“. The talk covered Greenpeace’s approach to campaigning, past and current campaigns – in particular for the defence of the Antarctic ocean and wildlife. There were many excellent questions raised by the attendees, and much thought-provoking discussion ensued, all in all, a very worthwhile evening.

Thanks again to Julia.

February 2018

Politicon 2018

Three WFoE members attended ‘Politicon’ on behalf of Wycombe Friends of the Earth.
Politicon is an event at John Hampden Grammar School in High Wycombe, on 8th February 2018 inviting local political parties and organisations to showcase their activities for local sixth form pupils.
The event was well attended and a member of WFoE, made a comment about jobs, climate change and renewables during the discussion in the last part of the evening.

Wycombe Friends of the Earth at Politicon 2018

October 2017

Think Climate – Global Climate Day of Action 

On October the 14th the people of High Wycombe were urged to Think Climate
by a series of banners placed around the town.

– Here’s what you can do to Think Climate –

Pictures of the event from around Wycombe town – October 2017

The people of High Wycombe were urged to Think Climate by a series of banners placed around the town, as Wycombe Friends of the Earth’s contribution to a global Day of Action.

October 2017

Report on Wycombe Friends of the Earth talk on Veganism 4th October 2017

The Vegan talk during the WFoE meeting was well attended. The room was comfortably full with an audience of about 28 plus 2 presenters (Haz and Charmaine).  WFoE co-coordinator Mike Chadwick chaired the business part of the meeting, which was soon followed by the Vegan presentation and a lively discussion. Vegan food/drink samples were offered after the discussion.

If you weren’t able to attend, note that Vegan substitutes (e.g. almond or oat milk) are available in most large supermarkets.
Do try these at least once!

To stay in touch with future Vegan events in High Wycombe follow @earthlingsexperiencehw on Facebook or ask Nigel, an activist running the Animal support / Vegan stall in the Eden Centre opposite Tesco (Fridays 12-3pm, ish).

June 2017

Raising awareness of air quality issues at our stall in High Wycombe on Saturday 1st of July

FoE Campaigners, promote the importance of clean air.

At least one of the passers-by got the message!

Passers-by joined the call for action to improve Wycombe’s air quality at Wycombe Friends of the Earth’s recent town centre stall.

Bad air quality, chiefly arising from traffic fumes, is thought to cause 40,000 premature deaths in the UK every year. It is also thought that air pollution stunts the development of children’s lungs, leading to problems in later life.

Official figures, along with recent short-term monitoring by the group, show that nitrogen dioxide levels exceed the legal target on many of the main roads in and around High Wycombe and Marlow.

Friends of the Earth is thus calling on government to take urgent and effective action to clean up our air, including the phasing out of the dirtiest diesel vehicles.

Mike Chadwick, Joint Coordinator of Wycombe Friends of the Earth, said that “our conversations at the stall clearly showed this is an issue that concerns and affects many local people, and the cards to MPs that were signed at the stall, will help get this message across.

DEFRA Air Quality Plan, Consultation Link
As part of our current clean air campaign, we have produced a Quick Guide for self-help.
Children with nothing to do? – then see our Junior FoE page for ideas.

May 2017

Our Pann Mill Stall in High Wycombe on Sunday 14th May 2017

Preparation of the stall

Discussing the importance of Air Quality

Clean Air update – May 2017
Latest News on the Air Quality Plan at National FoE
National FoE Air Quality Briefing PDF
See our Air Quality Poster. 

April 2017

Wycombe Friends of the Earth has warned South Bucks to not be “complacent” about pollution levels on a busy High Wycombe road. See the BFP article.

October 2017

Clean Air
We are currently arranging a meeting with Wycombe District Council, in order discuss air pollution in the Wycombe area, and the way in which it is measured.
As part of our clean air campaign, we have produced a Quick Guide, for self-help.

June 2016

Revive the Wye
During our June meeting, we had a superb presentation from a member of Revive the Wye, We were truly impressed by the amount of great work that has been achieved. Find out more here. If you have time please try to support this local cause.

revive the wye 2016

March 2016

Film Screening
On March the 23rd March WFoE screened a public viewing of the Naomi Kline film “This changes everything
The evening was deemed a great success, with the venue being almost full to capacity.
thischangeseverything 180

November 2015

People’s March for Climate
A number of members of Wycombe Friends of the Earth travelled by train to join thousands of marchers at this London event on the 29th of November 2015. This was ahead of the Climate Change Talks in Paris which we hope will produce a positive outcome for our beautiful planet.

June 2015

London Climate Mass Lobby – 17th June 2015

Members of Wycombe Friends of the Earth, along with others from Wycombe and Beaconsfield, attended the Climate Mass Lobby on 17th June in London. Approaching 10,000 constituents took part in the event to meet MPs outside Westminster in what is
thought to be the biggest ever UK lobby on climate change.

Climate-Lobby2-2015 The event was organised by the Climate Coalition, a group of charities, unions and faith groups. The whole day was well planned and managed. It maintained a very happy atmosphere and was well attended. Most importantly over 300 MPs were lobbied!

More information from National FoE.

May 2015

Pan Mill Open Day May 2015
To help promote our Bee Campaign, Wycombe Friends of the Earth ran a stall at the Pann Mill Open Day in High Wycombe on 10th May 2015.

our Bee campaign at Pann Mill in May 2015


It was a pleasant day in the beautiful Pann Mill garden with the water mill turning and grinding wheat. We talked to people about the importance of bees and encouraged bee friendly garden planting or, even easier, leaving a patch of garden to ‘run to weed’!
We sold some plants, had ‘bee biscuits’ available, and also distributed copies of our updated, beautifully illustrated, 2015 bee leaflet that gives information about bees and local walks, as well as craft activities for primary aged children. If you would like a leaflet, you can view and download the leaflet below.
Alternatively, there are leaflets available at Arts4every1 in Desborough Road, High Wycombe, Wycombe Environment Centre and also at High Wycombe library.
Let us all bee friendly!


April 2015

Junior WFoE
See our Junior “FoE” Page here

March 2015bee-animatedbee-animated

The Bee Cause
Part of our support for the Friends of the Earth “Bee Cause” campaign.
Download our 2015  (now 2016!) fun leaflet on:
Bee related facts & activities in the Wycombe area.
Why not make a “Bee Hotel” to help our little friends.
Instructions written by one of our Wycombe FOE members

Bee Friendly Plants
See our list of Bee Friendly Plants by month of flowering.
More Than Honey
A documentary about the disappearance of Bees.
Wycombe Friends of the Earth became part of the Marinet campaigning group, because we are concerned about the multiple threats to Britain’s marine environment, and we support the urgent need to create an effective network of marine protected areas. WFOE continue to support Marinet in this important cause.
Link to Marinet